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Dana Hall in New Role as General Counsel at Core Development Group

I’m pleased to announce that beginning December 2019 I am beginning a new role as General Counsel at Core Development Group.

Core Development Group is a leading solar developer and EPC provider based in Mahwah, NJ, offering full turnkey EPC services for large solar PV projects as well as development in the commercial and industrial sectors. These services include development, design, procurement, project management, commissioning, and O&M. Core has developers, an in-house engineering department, project managers, and a highly skilled quality assurance and quality control team.

As General Counsel, I am responsible for legal issues and compliance. I also bring my renewable energy policy experience to the team adding valuable insight in renewable markets and how best to leverage policies and solar energy programs at the state level.

My contact information at Core Development Group is:

office: 201-825-2195
direct: 201-788-0878
860 Wyckoff Ave, Suite 200
Mahwah, NJ 07430

For my friends and colleagues, please know that I will continue to be a presence and to serve active clients that are not in solar energy. I always welcome new inquiries and if I find I cannot assist, I will help you find the right person to help you with your matter.